Infra Finder: Discover open infrastructures that meet your needs

104 Solutions

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Zenodo is a general-purpose open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts. For each submission, a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) is minted, which makes the stored items easily citeable. Information from Wikipedia.

Repository service
Open API Available

OA Switchboard

Stichting OA Switchboard
The OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, community led initiative designed to simplify the sharing of information between stakeholders about open access publications throughout the whole publication journey
Open access or subscription management tool
Open API Available

Europe PMC

EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Europe PMC is an open access database of life science journal articles and preprints, which contains over 42 million abstracts and over 9 million full text articles accessible via the website, APIs, and bulk download. Publications in Europe PMC are enriched with links to supporting data, citations, funding, protocols, and peer review materials. Europe PMC offers advanced tools for search, retrieval, and interaction with the scientific literature, including Grant Finder, ORCID claiming, text-mined biological annotations, and more. Europe PMC is hosted by EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). It is endorsed and supported by 35 international research funders as their dedicated open access repository.
Digital preservation system
Discovery system
Repository service
Open API Available


Open Preservation Foundation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
JHOVE (the JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment, pronounced "jove") is an extensible software framework for performing format identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects. Format identification is the process of determining the format to which a digital object conforms: "I have a digital object; what format is it?" Format validation is the process of determining the level of compliance of a digital object to the specification for its purported format: "I have an object purportedly of format F; is it?" Format characterization is the process of determining the format-specific significant properties of an object of a given format: "I have an object of format F; what are its salient properties?" These actions are frequently necessary during routine operation of digital repositories and for digital preservation activities.
Computing library
Digital preservation tool
Open API Not Available


Open bibliography for economics and connex sciences. Author authority provider. Citation analysis. Preprint dissemination. Institution authority provider. And more.
Discovery system
Index or directory
Open API Available


Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, University of Bologna
OpenCitations is an independent not-for-profit infrastructure organization for open scholarship dedicated to the publication of open bibliographic and citation data by the use of Semantic Web (Linked Data) technologies. It is also engaged in advocacy for open citations, particularly in its role as a key founding member of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC).
Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available

Thoth Open Metadata

Thoth Open Metadata
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thoth is a non-profit metadata management and distribution platform and service designed to address the challenges faced by small- to medium-sized publishers in getting open access works into the book supply chain. It offers comprehensive solutions to streamline metadata creation, management, dissemination, and archiving workflows to improve the discoverability and accessibility of scholarly books. The Thoth Open Archiving Network (TOAN) serves as a vital resource for publishers seeking to preserve their publications for the long-term. TOAN prodides transparent workflows to automatically archive their publications in multiple repository locations, thereby filling a significant gap in preservation infrastructure. This initiative provides an essential safeguard against the risk of complete loss of publishers' catalogues, supporting the long-term accessibility and preservation of scholarly works.
Digital preservation service
Format conversion tool or service
Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available


United States of America
ArchivesSpace is an open source, web application for managing archives information. The application is designed to support core functions in archives administration such as accessioning; description and arrangement of processed materials including analog, hybrid, and born-digital content; management of authorities (agents and subjects) and rights; and reference service. The application supports collection management through collection management records, tracking of events, and a growing number of administrative reports. The application also functions as a metadata authoring tool, enabling the generation of EAD, MARCXML, MODS, Dublin Core, and METS formatted data.
Archive information management system
Discovery system
Open API Available

DLCM Portal

DLCM Technology
DLCM-Portal is the user interface (user-facing part) of the DLCM technology, an archiving solution based on the OAIS model (ISO 14721) and compliant with FAIR principles & Open Science requirements for research data. This portal helps the researchers to deposit their research data by guiding them in the archive creation process. And, it offers the search interface to access to the archives based on its restrictions (access level and data sensitivity) for anyone interested by an archive. Another feature is the archive management section for archivists or data stewards which can follow up the ingest process, the replication process and the others kinds of preservation processes like fixity.
Archive information management system
Digital preservation system
Software preservation service
Open API Available


Research Innovations Ltd (trading as Research Space)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RSpace is a comprehensive research platform that serves as an integrated research data management solution. At its core, it combines an electronic lab notebook with a modern, mobile-first sample management system, enabling researchers to capture, track, and associate data and metadata. While RSpace interfaces with institutional file systems, it goes beyond file management by offering rich content management capabilities. Through integrations with other research tools, the platform acts as a bridge across the research lifecycle, connecting planning phases to archiving/storage through seamless integration with external research resources. RSpace facilitates FAIR data principles by streamlining the flow of data and metadata throughout the research process. Its interconnected architecture enables researchers to manage their experimental data, samples, and documentation in one cohesive environment while maintaining connections to a broad ecosystem of research tools and storage systems.
Authoring tool
Digital asset management system
Open API Available


Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD)
Episciences is an overlay journal platform to host and disseminate diamond open access publications from all disciplines. Hosted in France, supported by the Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD), a support and research unit created by the CNRS, joining Inria and INRAE. It benefits from the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Episciences offers technical and editorial support to journal teams from all over the world. Documents published by Episciences overlay journals are hosted by open repositories such as arXiv, HAL, Zenodo, bioRxiv, medRxiv. Episciences welcomes new or existing journals from any country or language. Academic-led and owned, initiated by researchers, the aim of the infrastructure is to provide a complete publishing system for overlay journals. In addition to the free technical support, the software development and hosting, Episciences provides free services to support the journal’s editorial workflows.
Peer review system
Publishing system
Submissions system
Open API Available

OpenAIRE Graph

The OpenAIRE Graph: A 360° Lens on Open Science The OpenAIRE Graph is one of the largest and most interconnected global knowledge graphs, interlinking hundreds of millions of metadata records from trusted sources. As the authoritative source for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), it provides a comprehensive, FAIR-by-design view of research, covering not just publications but data, software, patents, and more. A community-driven public good, the Graph is powered by openness, transparency, and interoperability, and enriches entities with insights like Fields of Science (FoS) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Fully open under a CC-0 license, its data and APIs are freely accessible, offering researchers, institutions, and innovators unparalleled access to the Open Science landscape.
Discovery system
Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available

Open Book Collective

Open Book Collective
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Open Book Collective is a charity that brings together publishers, publishing service providers, and scholarly libraries to secure the diversity and financial futures of Diamond open access book production and dissemination.
Open access or subscription management tool
Open API Not Available

DLCM Backend

DLCM Technology
DLCM-Backend is the backend part of the DLCM technology, an archiving solution based on the OAIS model (ISO 14721) and compliant with FAIR principles & Open Science requirements for research data.
Archive information management system
Digital preservation system
Open API Available


Sage Bionetworks
United States of America
Synapse is a cloud-based data repository and sharing platform where researchers can share and describe content to co-analyze, learn from, and improve knowledge of health and disease.
Annotations system
Repository service
Open API Available


United States of America
Hyku is a feature-rich, robust, flexible digital repository that can be customized by and for institutions large and small. Hyku works well as a local installation or as a repository service hosted by a service provider or consortia. Hyku is built on top of the Hyrax repository engine so it comes with all of the features of Hyrax but adds additional customization and multi-tenancy. Being multi-tenant means that a single repository owner that can create multiple repository instances, for example creating and hosting repositories across a consortia or for multiple campuses. Hyku makes it easy to add and discover works with integrations like the IIIF Image & Presentation API, the Universal Viewer, and bulk import scripts as well as customization options like adding fonts and custom CSS.
Repository software
Open API Not Available


United States of America
DSpace is a web application, allowing researchers and scholars to publish documents and data. While DSpace shares some feature overlap with content management systems and document management systems, the DSpace repository software serves a specific need as a digital archives system, focused on the long-term storage, access and preservation of digital content thus making DSpace the software of choice for academic, non-profit, and commercial organizations building open digital repositories. It is free and easy to install “out of the box” and completely customizable to fit the needs of any organization.
Repository software
Open API Available

OAPEN Library

OAPEN Foundation
OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication. We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books and provide services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.
Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Discovery system
Open API Available

Research Resource Identification Initiative

United States of America
The Research Resource Identification, #RRID, Initiative is designed to help researchers cite the key biological resources used to produce their scientific findings. We know that researchers do not always write all of the excruciating details of their experimental methods sections, sometimes even if they want to, they are turned away by page limits or by convention. We are here to support authors by making some parts of their methods section more transparent and rigorous by allowing them to easily access millions of "Key Biological Resources" on our website and giving authors an unambiguous proper citation format. This format is echoed on many company and project websites around the world.
Persistent identifier service
Open API Available


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sciety is a platform that enhances scholarly communication by promoting community peer evaluation of preprints. We do this through partnerships with organisations and communities that provide highlights, public reviews and recommendations helping researchers and readers assess the quality and relevance of early-stage research. Sciety aggregates evaluation content, facilitating multiple community evaluations of the same work. We utilise the DocMaps and COAR notify protocols to create a machine readable history of the preprint and the evaluation process, so that the act of peer evaluation can be recognised and rewarded as valuable scholarly activity.
Discovery system
Peer review system
Open API Available


Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Academia (CEDIA)
REDI is the Ecuadorian Researchers Network whose purpose is to provide information on authors, publications and areas of knowledge of IES that are members and non-members of CEDIA.
Discovery system
Research profiling system
Open API Not Available


Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI)
United States of America
The Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) is open source data management software used by research, commercial, and governmental organizations worldwide.
Data management planning tool or service
Digital preservation system
Discovery system
Open API Available


Swiss Data Science Center
Renku is an open-source platform that connects the ecosystem of data, code, and compute to empower researchers to build collaborative communities.
Data management planning tool or service
Discovery system
Research software community
Open API Available


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
United States of America
medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences.
Repository service
Open API Available

Open Policy Finder (formerly Sherpa Services)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Open Policy Finder (formerly Sherpa Services) is an online platform that consolidates and presents standardised summaries of open access policies for publishers (journals and books) and funders worldwide. Serving as a centralised resource, it simplifies the complex landscape of open access requirements by aggregating and summarising publisher self-archiving and funder policies. Open Policy Finder supports university librarians, research staff, and the scholarly community, reducing time spent searching multiple sites and allowing users to focus on core tasks. With a user-friendly interface and open API, Open Policy Finder provides easy access to comprehensive policy data for institutions and researchers globally.
Open access policy information compilation
Open API Available

Public Access Submission System

Eclipse Foundation
The Public Access Submission System (PASS) is an open source platform designed to be used by research teams to simplify the process of complying with the public access guidelines, policies, and requirements of funders and academic institutions. PASS combines information that it collects about journals, grants, publications, metadata, submission policies, and submission requirements to provide researchers with a customized and simplified submission workflow. This workflow guides researchers to provide the information necessary to ensure compliance with the policies of their institutions and funders and performs submissions on their behalf into the appropriate repository systems.
Submissions system
Open API Available


United States of America
Fedora is an open source repository system used for the management and dissemination of digital content. It is especially suited for digital libraries and archives and can be used for both access and preservation. Offering flexibility and extensibility for digital preservation needs, Fedora repositories can be used to provide access to a wide range of digital collections with varying sizes and complexities.
Repository software
Open API Available


United States of America
Archive entire websites with Browsertrix, a cloud-native web archiving platform from Webrecorder. With high-fidelity crawling and advanced quality assurance tools, Browsertrix empowers you to create, view, curate, and share archives with confidence.
Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Web archiving system
Open API Available


United States of America
VIVO is an open source software and ontology supported by a global community of members to represent the full breadth of the activities of scholars, researchers and scholarly institutions. The VIVO knowledge graph enables the discovery of these activities across disciplines, institutions and beyond.
Discovery system
Research profiling system
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Available


Harvard University
United States of America
TagTeam is an open-source tagging platform and feed aggregator.
Annotations system
Discovery system
Open API Not Available


United States of America
- rOpenSci is a research software community that includes member support, training program, events, and initiatives to support reproducibility, sustainability, and inclusion in scientific open-source software development. - rOpenSci conducts peer-review of research software and maintains infrastructure to manage the software peer-review process. - rOpenSci develops and manages infrastructure for testing, publishing, and discovery of R packages, primarily our R-Universe platform. - rOpenSci maintains a variety of software tools that are both part of the core R ecosystem and also facilitate research through statistical methods and managing the research data lifecycle.
Peer review system
Research software community
Open API Not Available

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / Purdue University
re3data is a global registry of research data repositories. The registry covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. re3data presents repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions. re3data aims to promote a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data.
Discovery system
Index or directory
Open API Available


United States of America
OA.Report identifies research outputs organizations have supported, analyzes their openness (including OA policy compliance), and then streamlines taking action to make results more open. It's simple, free to use, and open source!
Open access or subscription management tool
Research profiling system
Open API Available


NumPy Community
NumPy is an open source library for numerical computing with Python. Notably, it provides the NumPy N-dimensional array data structure, and an associated API for manipulating such arrays. It is released under the liberal terms of the modified BSD license, and free for all to use. NumPy is developed in the open on GitHub, through the consensus of the NumPy and wider scientific Python community.
Computing library
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Available


MyCoRe Community
MyCoRe (short for “My Content Repository”) is an open source software framework that institutions can use to create their own document and publication servers, repositories or archive solutions. The software is developed by a community whose members mainly work at German universities and library institutions. The source code is available as free software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) on GitHub. MyCoRe repositories publish bibliographic metadata, documents, and digital objects like research data, manuscripts, images, audio or video files. The MyCoRe framework provides the necessary functionality to manage, store, retrieve, present and share metadata and digital objects.
Digital asset management system
Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Repository software
Open API Available


The Galaxy community
Galaxy is a free, open-source system for analyzing data, authoring workflows, training and education, publishing tools, managing infrastructure, and more.
Computing framework
Discovery system
Open API Available


United States of America
DuraCloud is a suite of open source software applications used together to manage files stored in a variety of third-party storage systems. DuraCloud connects to storage in commercial cloud systems, academic storage systems, and national preservation networks, providing consistent interfaces through which content can be managed. DuraCloud also handles the duplication of content across providers and performs bit-level integrity checking to verify that stored content remains unchanged.
Digital preservation service
Digital preservation system
Digital preservation tool
Open API Available


United States of America
CollectiveAccess is free, open-source software for cataloguing and publishing museum and archival collections.
Archive information management system
Digital asset management system
Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Open API Available

Arches Heritage Data Management Platform

Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)
United States of America
Arches is an open-source data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to install, configure, and extend in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Arches was originally developed for the cultural heritage field by the Getty Conservation Institute and World Monuments Fund. Due to the complex and varied nature of cultural heritage data, and to promote interoperability and sustainable data practices, the Arches Platform has been developed as a standards-based, comprehensive and flexible platform that supports a wide array of uses. The Arches Project has an established international community of developers, service providers, and specialists from multiple domains that collaborates, shares ideas and resources, explores solutions, and provides guidance and support.
Data management planning tool or service
Open API Available

COUNTER Code of Practice

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The COUNTER Code of Practice is the global standard for measuring and reporting on usage of digital content, agreed by libraries, consortia, publishers, technology providers, aggregators and others. By ensuring all parties have a shared understanding of normalised, comparable, consistent usage metrics, the Code allows everyone to be confident in working with and relying on usage data.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Available


Archivematica is an integrated suite of open-source software tools that allows users to process digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the ISO-OAIS functional model. Users monitor and control ingest and preservation micro-services via a web-based dashboard. Archivematica uses METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core, the Library of Congress BagIt specification and other recognized standards to generate trustworthy, authentic, reliable and system-independent Archival Information Packages (AIPs) for storage in your preferred repository.
Digital preservation system
Open API Available


AtoM stands for Access to Memory. It is a web-based, open source application for standards-based archival description and access in a multilingual, multi-repository environment.
Archive information management system
Open API Available


United States of America
We are CLOCKSS. A community-led collaboration of academic publishers and research libraries around the world, working together to provide a sustainable online archive. Together we ensure the long-term survival of our shared intellectual heritage. At CLOCKSS, through the services we provide to libraries and publishers and built over the award winning LOCKSS software, we instill confidence in authors, scholars, policy makers, libraries, and publishers that scholarship is safely and securely preserved for future generations. As global leaders in digital preservation, we ensure that all books, journals, and digital collections entrusted to CLOCKSS are protected and preserved indefinitely. CLOCKSS is the only digital archive that assigns Creative Commons Open Access licenses to all content we make available, in order to ensure it always remains open and available to everyone.
Digital preservation service
Open API Not Available


WordPress Foundation
United States of America
Openverse is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. Openverse searches across more than 800 million images and audio tracks from open APIs and the Common Crawl dataset. We aggregate works from multiple public repositories, and facilitate reuse through features like one-click attribution.
Discovery system
Open API Available

Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)

Open Archives Initiative
United States of America
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured metadata via OAI-PMH. Service Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests to harvest that metadata. OAI-PMH is a set of six verbs or services that are invoked within HTTP.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available

International Generic Sample Number (IGSN)

International Generic Sample Number Organization e.V.
The IGSN is a persistent unique identifier for physical samples and specimens that eliminates the problems associated with the ambiguous naming of samples. The IGSN registration service helps discover, access, and share samples, ensure preservation of and access to sample data, aid identification of samples in the literature, and advance the exchange of digital sample data among interoperable data systems, thus maximizing the utility of samples for research, education, and society. In 2022, IGSN and DataCite entered a strategic partnership to provide a globally recognised persistent identifier for sample identification and tracking, based on DataCite Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), that facilitates the efficient sharing of samples and their associated metadata among researchers, institutions, and databases. IGSN IDs are now based on DataCite infrastructures and registered through DataCite services.
Persistent identifier service
Open API Available

FAIR Signposting

Signposting the Scholarly Web
United States of America
Landing pages support humans that interact with scholarly objects on the web, providing descriptive metadata and links to content. These pages are not optimized for use by machine agents that navigate the scholarly web. For example, how can a robot determine which links on the myriad of landing pages lead to content and which to metadata? FAIR Signposting caters to machine agents by providing this information, and more, in a standards-based way. It contributes to FAIR's Findable, Accessible, and Reusable by uniformly conveying to machines what the persistent identifier of a scholarly object is, where its landing page is, where and what its content is, where metadata that describes it is, and what the persistent identifier of its author is. It conveys this by means of a limited set of typed web links that have web locations (HTTP URIs) as their target.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available

Keepers Registry

ISSN International Centre
The Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for continuing resources including e-serials. The Registry has three main purposes: To enable librarians and policy makers to find out who is looking after what e-content, how, and with what terms of access. To highlight e-journals which are still “at risk of loss” and need to be archived. To showcase the archiving organisations around the world, i.e. the Keepers, which provide the digital shelves for access to content over the long term.
Index or directory
Open API Not Available

DART (Digital Archivist's Resource Tool)

Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust)
United States of America
DART is the Digital Archivist's Resource Tool. It provides both a GUI and a command-line interface for packaging files and uploading them to remote repositories. DART produced BagIt bags using BagIt profiles,
Digital preservation tool
Open API Available


Community Initiatives
United States of America
pyOpenSci is an non-profit organization whose mission is to build diverse, supportive community around the free and open Python tools that drive open science. pyOpenSci supports open science through Open Peer review: pyOpenSci runs an open peer review process lead by volunteer editors and reviewers. This process has several goals including reducing functionality overlap in existing open source tools; supporting long term maintenance of tools and/or carefully sunsetting of tools as needed and increasing the quality of tools built to support scientific workflows. Mentorship: We will build out a community program where diverse community members are mentored in skills needed to both contribute to open source software which in turn will propel their open science skills forward. Training: pyOpenSci will provide training in skills needed to contribute to open source software.
Research software community
Open API Not Available

Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust)

Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust)
United States of America
APTrust is a consortium of institutions committed to providing a preservation repository for digital content and collaboratively developed services related to that content. The APTrust service accepts digital materials in all formats from member institutions and provides redundant storage in the cloud. It is managed and operated by the University of Virginia. The APTrust consortium leverages the expertise of its members to identify and articulate needs for the digital content environment, to prioritize service development, and to collaboratively build solutions. This approach generates economies of scale and increases value for all members.
Digital preservation service
Open API Available

Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE)

Open Archives Initiative
United States of America
Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines a Linked Data approach for the description and exchange of identified aggregations of Web resources. These aggregations, sometimes called compound digital objects, may combine distributed resources with multiple media types including text, images, data, and video. The goal of the specification is to expose the rich content in these aggregations to applications that support authoring, deposit, exchange, visualization, reuse, and preservation.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available


EPrints Services
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Developed at the University of Southampton, EPrints has been providing stable, innovative repository services across the academic sector and beyond for over 20 years. We are proud of the stability, flexibility and pragmatism of our software.
Repository software
Open API Available

PKP Preservation Network

The Public Knowledge Project, Simon Fraser University
The PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) provides a free preservation service for Open Journal Systems (OJS) journals that have published at least one article, have a valid ISSN, and are running OJS 3.1.2 or newer. The PKP PN allows OJS Journal Managers to register their journal for preservation by enabling a plugin in their OJS instance and agreeing to the terms of the Preservation Agreement. On registration, the PKP PN determines if the journal meets the minimum inclusion requirements. The PKP PN relies on OJS export tools to generate content for preservation. This content is automatically deposited into the PKP PN by the OJS PKP PN plugin and does not require manual intervention from journal editors or staff. The PKP PN provides free online access to restored content following a "trigger event," when a journal has ceased to exist online and preserved content is used for restoration.
Digital preservation service
Open API Not Available


UbuntuNet Alliance
AfricArXiv is a not-for-profit digital archive for African research. Under the stewardship of UbuntuNet Alliance, and the coordination of Access 2 Perspectives, it is designed to enhance the visibility of African research and foster a vibrant, inclusive, and interconnected research community across the continent. Through collaborative governance, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to capacity building, we aim for AfricArXiv to be a cornerstone of African scholarly communication and research management that facilitates collaboration among African researchers and supports the development of a robust, inclusive, and equitable African research ecosystem.
Repository service
Open API Not Available

PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata

PREMIS Editorial Committee
United States of America
The PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata is the international standard for metadata to support the preservation of digital objects and ensure their long-term usability.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available

Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)

METS Editorial Board
United States of America
METS, the Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard, has been used for describing digital objects since 2001. The METS XML schema is used both as an interchange and a storage format by numerous systems in the digital preservation space. A METS document can describe the files that make up a digital object, their structural relationship to each other, and include a variety of metadata about the digital object and its component files.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available


Signposting the Scholarly Web
United States of America
The FAIR Interoperability Catalogue - FAIRiCat - cen be used by repositories to uniformly advertise the interoperability affordances they provide. Interoperability affordances can encompass the entire collection of objects managed by a repository (e.g. OAI-PMH, APIs) or only manifest when interacting with an object managed by the repository (e.g. FAIR Signposting, Dublin Core). FAIRiCats can be used in automatic processes by clients that are looking for specific approaches to interoperate with a repository, e.g. via OAI-PMH, SPARQL, Sitemaps, Linked Data Notifications. FAIRiCats can also be used manually as a way to obtain a quick overview of the interoperability characteristics of a repository.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available

Archipelago Commons

Metropolitan New York Library Council
United States of America

Archipelago Commons, or simply Archipelago, is an Open Source Digital Objects Repository / DAM Server Architecture based on the popular CMS Drupal 9/10+ and released under GLP V.3 License. Archipelago is developed and supported at the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).

Archipelago is a slim, smart, open-schema repository system comprised of deeply integrated custom-coded Drupal modules (made with care by us, the Digital Services Team at METRO) and a curated and well-configured Drupal instance, running under a discrete and well-planned set of complementary additional service containers. You can learn more about the different Software Services used by Archipelago here, and Archipelago's unique approach to Metadata here.

Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Repository software
Open API Available

Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals. PKP also offers paid OJS hosting and publishing services for institutions.
Publishing system
Open API Available

Open Preprint Systems (OPS)

Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Open source software for creating a preprint server where researchers can upload datasets, revise papers before publication, and link preprints to the final published work.
Publishing system
Open API Available

Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons
United States of America
Creative Commons (CC) provides and stewards CC licenses and public domain tools that give every person and organization in the world a free, simple, and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative and academic works; ensure proper attribution; and enable others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works. From the reuser’s perspective, the presence of a CC license on a copyrighted work answers the question, "what can I do with this work?"
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available


IIIF Consortium
United States of America
IIIF is a set of open standards for delivering high-quality, attributed digital objects online at scale. It’s also an international community developing and implementing the IIIF APIs. IIIF is backed by a consortium of leading cultural institutions. IIIF Consortium is an affiliate of CLIR.

This is pricing for joining and supporting the consortium, however it is critical to note that implementing IIIF is and will always be free, based on free and open standards!:

Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Available

OSF (Open Science Framework)

Center for Open Science, Inc.
United States of America
OSF is a free, open-source project management and collaboration tool that supports researchers throughout the entire research lifecycle - from planning, to conducting, to reporting, and discovering research.
Repository service
Repository software
Open API Available


Knowledge Futures
United States of America

PubPub is an open-source, hosted, free-to-use content management system designed to help knowledge communities of all types collaboratively create and share knowledge online. PubPub’s flexible, extensible system allows communities to create the dynamic content that best represents their work, whether it’s a traditional academic journal, a book, a repository of interactive documents, a blog, all of the above, or something in between. If needed, PubPub then helps communities integrate their work into academic infrastructure like Crossref and Google Scholar without the need to remake it to conform to legacy expectations of how academic outputs are structured.

Publishing system
Open API Not Available


Book Oven, Inc.

Pressbooks is the versatile, user-friendly publishing platform educators rely on to create, adapt, and share accessible, interactive, web-first books.

Pressbooks also offers a Directory of ~6,000 (and growing) openly licensed/available books from the Pressbooks ecosystem.

Publishing system
Open API Available


Code for Science and Society
United States of America is a platform for crowdsourcing open preprint reviews. PREreview designs and develops open source infrastructure to enable constructive feedback to preprints at a point in time in which it is needed, offers peer review training and mentorship, and partners with like-minded organizations to create opportunities for collaborative review experiences that defeat cultural and geographical barriers.
Peer review system
Open API Not Available

Open Monograph Press (OMP)

Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Open Monograph Press (OMP) is an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly monographs and edited volumes with full metadata for worldwide dissemination and discovery. PKP also offers paid OMP hosting and publishing services for institutions.
Publishing system
Open API Available


OpenEdition Center, Aix-Marseille University, the EHESS and Avignon University
OpenEdition is a comprehensive digital infrastructure for academic communication in the humanities and social sciences. It brings together four complementary platforms focused respectively on journals (OpenEdition Journals), book series (OpenEdition Books), research blogs (Hypotheses) and academic events (Calenda).
Discovery system
Open API Not Available


United States of America
Inspired by the ancient Library of Alexandria, OpenAlex is an index of hundreds of millions of interconnected entities across the global research system. We're 100% free and open source, and offer access via a web interface, API, and database snapshot.
Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available


Digital Scholar
United States of America

Omeka Classic is a web publishing platform for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits. Classic offers Dublin Core as its central resource description framework and has a rich offering of plugins and themes to customize its functionality and appearance. offers a SAAS version of Classic for users who do not wish to run their own server stack.

Omeka S is a next-generation web publishing platform for institutions interested in connecting digital cultural heritage collections with other resources online. Omeka S offers the ability to publish resource description as linked data and to create as many sites as desired drawing on a unified pool of resources. Omeka S has an extensive pool of modules and themes to customize its functionality and appearance.

For a chart comparing the platforms, see:

Digital library, collection or exhibit platform
Open API Available

Mendeley Data

Mendeley Data is a free and secure cloud-based communal repository where you can store your data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite, wherever you are.
Repository service
Open API Not Available


Manifold Digital Services
United States of America
Manifold is an open-source platform for scholarly publishing developed by the CUNY Graduate Center, University of Minnesota Press, and Cast Iron Coding. Manifold allows users to create dynamic projects with embedded notes, files, images, videos and interactive content as well as collaborative annotation.
Publishing system
Open API Available

Knowledge Commons

Michigan State University
United States of America
The Commons is a nonprofit network that enables scholars, researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work. The Commons network is open to anyone, regardless of field, language, institutional affiliation, or form of employment. Full-featured accounts are and will remain free for individual users; the network is sustained by the financial contributions of participating organizations.
Informal scholarly communications
Repository service
Research profiling system
Open API Not Available


The InvenioRDM project is an open source collaboration with two main goals: build a turn-key research data management (RDM) repository platform based on Invenio Framework and Zenodo; and grow a community of research institutions, private companies and individuals to sustain the platform going forward.
Repository software
Open API Available


Michigan Publishing
United States of America
Fulcrum is a community-based, open-source publishing platform that helps publishers present the full richness of their authors' research outputs in a durable, discoverable, accessible, and flexible form. The focus of the platform is on making multimodal long-form content (as well as simpler ebooks) as accessible, discoverable, and durable as possible. Because of its focus on long-term stewardship, the main Fulcrum service is a hosted one, based at the University of Michigan Library. While the code is all open source, the value of the platform lies in how embedded it is in research library infrastructure. The platform is heavily standards-based and connects with a variety of authoring, annotation, and editing tools. Fulcrum also has a special relationship with Janeway for publishers who wish to publish both book-like and journal-like digital materials.
Publishing system
Open API Not Available


United States of America
Dryad is an open data publishing platform and a community committed to the open availability and routine re-use of all research data.
Repository service
Open API Available


dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions.
Annotations system
Authoring tool
Informal scholarly communications
Open API Not Available

Directory of Open Access Books

DOAB Foundation
DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
Discovery system
Index or directory
Open API Available


Harvard University Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS)
United States of America

The Dataverse Project is an open-source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. It facilitates making data available to others and allows you to replicate others' work more easily. Researchers, journals, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility.

A Dataverse repository is the software installation, which then hosts multiple virtual archives called Dataverse collections. Each Dataverse collection contains datasets, and each dataset contains descriptive metadata and data files (including documentation and code that accompany the data). As an organizing method, Dataverse collections may also contain other Dataverse collections.

Repository software
Open API Available



DataCite offers several services to enable the registration and retrieval of DOIs and metadata.

  • DataCite Fabrica: a DOI and metadata management service allowing organizations to register and manage DOIs for their research outputs. With Fabrica, organizations can easily assign DOIs, maintain accurate and FAIR metadata, and ensure persistent links for long-term accessibility and citation of their valuable research outputs.
  • DataCite REST API: enables organizations to create DOIs systematically, expanding the flexibility and scalability of DOI creation and management within their research workflows. It also enables harvesting of metadata associated with registered DOIs. Integrating this functionality into your workflows, ensures up-to-date and accessible information about research outputs and fosters a more open and interconnected scholarly communication.
  • DataCite Commons: By working with metrics and relational metadata files, DataCite facilitates the visibility of research impact within its discovery system DataCite Commons. Providing analytics dashboards, it empowers researchers and organizations to gain insights and make informed decisions based on comprehensive and interconnected metadata.
  • DataCite GraphQL API: The DataCite GraphQL API supports complex queries of the PID Graph showing connections between entities using the GraphQL query language.
Discovery system
Persistent identifier service
Open API Available

Crossref Metadata Retrieval

United States of America

Our community includes tens of thousands of organisations and systems in over 160 countries. Around 20,000 organisations are members so that they can create identifiers for metadata records that describe and locate their research. The records describe articles, book chapters, preprints, grants, and all kinds of digital or even physical objects relating to scholarly and professional research. Crossref members share the records through Crossref so that they don’t have to duplicate the information for the thousands who consume and use it downstream throughout the global research ecosystem.

The focus here is on the part of the Crossref infrastructure that facilitates the open and accessible retrieval of these metadata records, numbering over 160 million today.

Anyone can access to use these records without restriction, either through our search tool,, or our REST API, There are no fees to use the metadata, but people who really rely on it may sign up for Metadata 'Plus', which offers greater predictability and higher rate limits.

People retrieving Crossref metadata need it for all sorts of reasons, including metaresearch (researchers studying research itself, such as through bibliometric analyses), publishing trends (such as finding works from an individual author or reviewer), or incorporation into specific databases (such as for discovery and search or in subject-specific repositories), and many more detailed use cases.

Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available


The Open University
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
CORE provides access to the world's most used collection of open access research papers, collecting and indexing research from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission and one of the signatories of the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructures POSI.
Discovery system
Open API Available



The Brazilian Scientific Research Information Ecosystem, BrCris, is an aggregator platform that allows retrieving, certifying and visualizing data and information related to the various actors who work in scientific research in the Brazilian context.

BrCris offers a unified interface for searching information, visualization of collaboration networks and dashboards of indicators in science, technology and innovation.

Discovery system
Research profiling system
Open API Not Available


Cornell University
United States of America
arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 2.3M scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. arXiv promotes equitable access to science by serving as an open forum where researchers can share and discover new, relevant, emerging science and establish their contribution to advancing research.
Repository service
Open API Available


Code for Science and Society
United States of America

2i2c designs, develops, and operates interactive computing environments that facilitate workflows for open science and education in the cloud. It builds its services on open infrastructure and enhances its service via upstream contributions and support. It runs the service as a collaboration with communities based on shared responsibility and with infrastructure that ensures a community's Right to Replicate the infrastructure without 2i2c.

Authoring tool
Open API Not Available


Open Library Foundation
United States of America

VuFind® is a discovery system designed and developed for libraries by libraries, but also suitable for use in other types of organizations. The goal of VuFind® is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your resources in a single consistent and user-friendly interface. This could include:

  • Catalog Records
  • Digital Library Items
  • Institutional Repository Content
  • Institutional Bibliography Entries
  • Locally Hosted Journal Articles
  • Other Library Collections and Resources
VuFind® is completely modular, so you can implement just the basic system, or all of the components. It supports building a local index and/or integrating with a variety of subscription services. Since it's open source, you can modify or add modules to best fit your needs. A wide range of configurable options allow extensive customization without changing any code.

Discovery system
Open API Available

Rogue Scholar

The Rogue Scholar
The Rogue Scholar improves your science blog in important ways, including full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata.
Digital preservation system
Discovery system
Open API Available

Research Organization Registry (ROR)

California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite
The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a global, community-led registry of open persistent identifiers for research organizations. ROR makes it easy for anyone or any system to disambiguate institution names and connect research organizations and funders to researchers and research outputs.
Persistent identifier service
Open API Available

Peer Community In

PCI, Peer Community In
Peer Community In (PCI) is a free recommendation process of scientific preprints based on peer reviews and a journal. Following submission by authors, the thematic PCIs evaluate preprints in their scientific fields based on rigorous peer-review. After evaluation, the PCIs may recommend those preprints, to make them complete, reliable and citable articles, without the need for publication in ‘traditional’ journals. Authors who need to publish their article in a journal can publish it for free in Peer Community Journal or submit it to a PCI-friendly or other journal.
Peer review system
Open API Not Available

Oxford Common File Layout

Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL)
This Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) specification describes an application-independent approach to the storage of digital information in a structured, transparent, and predictable manner. It is designed to promote long-term object management best practices within digital repositories.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available

Mukurtu CMS

Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation
United States of America
Mukurtu (MOOK-oo-too) is a content management system and access platform built with Indigenous communities to manage, share, and circulate their digital heritage in culturally relevant and ethically-minded ways.
Archive information management system
Digital asset management system
Open API Available


Project Mirador
Mirador is a configurable, extensible, and easy-to-integrate image viewer, which enables image annotation and comparison of images from repositories dispersed around the world. Mirador has been optimized to display resources from repositories that support the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) API's. Mirador provides several workspaces for comparing image-based resources, suitable for use in both cultural heritage and research settings.
Annotations system
Media viewer/player
Open API Not Available

Journal Article Tag Suite

NISO - National Information Standards Organization
United States of America
The Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) is an XML format used to describe scientific literature published online. It is a technical standard developed by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), approved by the American National Standards Institute, also known in its most current version as ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2021, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available


Islandora Foundation

Islandora empowers many types of institutions to author, preserve, and disseminate collections using global best-practices and open standards. Our framework brings together the best of modern web technologies for content management and stewardship.

Authoring tool
Digital asset management system
Open API Available

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Infrastructure Services for Open Access
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world and is driven by a growing community. We are committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.
Discovery system
Index or directory
Open scholarly dataset
Open API Available


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
United States of America
bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution. By posting preprints on bioRxiv, authors are able to make their findings immediately available to the scientific community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals.
Repository service
Open API Available

Archival Resource Key

ARK Alliance
United States of America
Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) serve as persistent identifiers, or stable, trusted references for information objects. Among other things, they aim to be web addresses (URLs) that don’t return 404 Page Not Found errors. The ARK Alliance is an open global community supporting the ARK infrastructure on behalf of research and scholarship.
Standard, specification or protocol
Open API Not Available


Open Library of Humanities
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Janeway is an open source publishing platform developed by the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) at Birkbeck, University of London, to support the goals of the OLH, and other open access academic publishers.
Publishing system
Open API Available

LA Referencia

LA Referencia

The Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications, or simply LA Referencia, is a Latin American network of open access repositories. Through its services, it supports national Open Access strategies in Latin America through a platform with interoperability standards, sharing and giving visibility to the scientific production generated in institutions of higher education and scientific research.

From the national nodes, scientific articles, doctoral and master's theses are integrated, coming from more than a hundred universities and research institutions from the ten countries that now form LA Referencia. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay.

This experience is based on technical and organizational agreements between public science and technology agencies (Ministries and Oncyts ) of the member countries, together with RedCLARA. LA Referencia was born through the Cooperation Agreement, signed in Buenos Aires in 2012, which reflects the political will to offer in open access the scientific production of Latin America as a regional public good with emphasis on the results financed with public funds.

Discovery system
Open API Not Available

O Portal Brasileiro de Publicações e Dados Científicos em Acesso Aberto (The Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal) (Oasisbr)

Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) (Ibict)

The Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal (Oasisbr) is an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) that brings together scientific production and research data in open access, published in scientific journals, digital repositories of scientific publications, digital repositories of research data and digital libraries of theses and dissertations.

In this way, Oasisbr aims to gather, give visibility and access to a good part of the scientific content produced by researchers working in Brazilian and Portuguese institutions, published in aggregating systems of production and scientific data.

Repository service
Open API Available


Érudit's mission is to support open digital publishing and research in the humanities and social sciences and in the arts and letters. With an extensive range of services, from data tagging to document indexing with international content aggregators, Érudit has been supporting the research and cultural community for more than 20 years.
Discovery system
Publishing system
Repository software
Open API Not Available
Malawi (African Catch-all Federation) is an identity federation based in Africa that aims at providing a continental workspace for users, services and institutions to get direct experience and gain familiarity with consuming and providing federated services and identities.
Federated identity or authentication management
Open API Not Available