
Launched: 2021
Record Updated: Mar 25, 2025
Open access or subscription management tool
The OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, community led initiative designed to simplify the sharing of information between stakeholders about open access publications throughout the whole publication journey


Streamlining the communication between funders, institutions and publishers regarding multi-lateral Open Access publication-level arrangements; and striving for the research ecosystem to work better for researchers, funders, institutions and publishers, and their business partners, such that Open Access is supported as the predominant model of publication, as well as to do all such things as are incidental or may be conducive to the above, all in the broadest sense.

Key Achievements

  • More than 676,000 'messages' exchanged via OA Switchboard since the launch (January 2021)

  • A growing number of publishers (currently 33), reaching over 5,600 (consortia member) organizations

  • An active community of research funders, institutions/consortia and publishers sharing lessons learned and best practices, engaging in pilots and research, etc.
  • Technical Attributes

    Maintenance Status

    Actively Maintained

    Open Code Repository


    Technical Documentation


    Code License


    Open API


    Open Product Roadmap


    Technical Attribute Statements

    Technology Readiness Level

    • Actual system proven in operational environment

    Code Licenses Used

    • MIT License



    Any publisher system(s) and library/consortia and funder system(s) relevant for publication metadata throughout the whole publication journey.

    Community Engagement

    Code of Conduct


    Community Engagement


    Contribution Guidelines or Fora


    Community Statements

    User Contribution Pathways

    • Contribute funds
    • Contribute to code
    • Contribute to documentation
    • Contribute to education or training
    • Contribute to working groups or interest groups

    More About Community Engagement

    Community Engagement Activities:

    This is in our Deed of Incorporation: "...community representation, involvement and input in product/service development is ensured and formalised via: an Advisory Group, which holds regular meetings as part of the framework of the organisation, Task/Working Groups, information on the website regarding the development roadmap, regular reporting (via newsletters or blogs or otherwise), and relevant 'Codes'."

    The Advisory Group in more detail: The Advisory Group consists of individuals and representatives of stakeholder groups (primary and other) who will contribute by expertise to ensure community representation, involvement and input in product/service development.

    read about our Generic Code.

    Policies & Governance

    Governance Summary

    OA Switchboard is governed by a Board of Directors, and supported additionally by a Client Advisory Board, Advisory Group, and Working Groups.


    Commitment to Equity & Inclusion


    Privacy Policy


    Governance Structure & Processes


    Transparent Pricing and Cost Expectations


    Policy Statements

    Community Governance

    • Formal

    Additional Information

    Organizational History

    The OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, community led initiative designed to simplify the sharing of information between stakeholders about open access publications throughout the whole publication journey.

    Following an initial meeting of key stakeholders in 2018, and throughout 2020, OASPA ran the foundational work as a project, with the aim of preparing the groundwork for the OA Switchboard to go live as an operational solution. It delivered a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and a proposal for a sustainable governance and funding model.

    Following, in October 2020, Stichting (‘foundation’) OA Switchboard was founded. It consists of both a mission-driven community and a practical tool, currently supporting two use cases. The technical solution is a central metadata exchange hub, that provides a standardised messaging protocol and shared infrastructure. It is built by and for the people who use it, is leveraged with existing PIDs, and has been live since 1 January 2021. (Source)

    Organizational Structure

    Business or Ownership Model

    Non-profit organization

    Non-profit Status

    Stichting van openbaar nut (SON)


    Funding Needs

    The OA Switchboard operates on a self-sustaining economic/business model, whereby the operational and development cost are supported by service fees (with transparent pricing) for participating funders, institutions and publishers. We charge fees for development and maintenance of the infrastructure, and for participants to exchange information and communicate. Pricing is transparent and we keep fees as low as possible to offer an affordable solution.
    We can keep OA Switchboard participants’ fees low, because we’re open source, tightly managed for costs, and the load is shared between funders, institutions and publishers. There is an annual fixed (tiered) subscription fee.

    Grants and donations are used to fund specific initiatives, like the current OA Books pilot.