Knowledge Commons
Key Achievements
Technical Attributes
Maintenance Status
Open API
Content Licensing
Hosting Options & Service Providers
Hosting Strategy
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Organizational Commitment to Community Engagement
Engagement with Values Frameworks
Policies & Governance
Governance Summary
Knowledge Commons employs a shared governance model with participation by three interrelated advisory groups: a Participating Organization Council, a Technical Advisory Group, and a User Advisory Group.
Web Accessibility Statement
Additional Information
Organizational History
The Commons launched in December 2016 as a pilot project of the office of scholarly communication at the Modern Language Association. Its development was made possible by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the pilot was designed to explore whether four partner societies — the MLA; the Association for Jewish Studies; the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies; and the College Art Association — could benefit from shared infrastructure for member-to-member communication, collaboration, and public engagement. Since that pilot, additional organizations have joined the network, including the Association of University Presses and the Society of Architectural Historians.
In November 2020, the fiscal sponsorship and hosting of the Commons moved to Michigan State University, where the network is developed and maintained by members of the MESH Research team. Additionally, MSU became the first institutional member to join the network in 2020, launching MSU Commons to serve its campus community.