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Launched: 2009
Record Updated: Apr 22, 2024
Discovery system
Persistent identifier service

DataCite offers several services to enable the registration and retrieval of DOIs and metadata.

  • DataCite Fabrica: a DOI and metadata management service allowing organizations to register and manage DOIs for their research outputs. With Fabrica, organizations can easily assign DOIs, maintain accurate and FAIR metadata, and ensure persistent links for long-term accessibility and citation of their valuable research outputs.
  • DataCite REST API: enables organizations to create DOIs systematically, expanding the flexibility and scalability of DOI creation and management within their research workflows. It also enables harvesting of metadata associated with registered DOIs. Integrating this functionality into your workflows, ensures up-to-date and accessible information about research outputs and fosters a more open and interconnected scholarly communication.
  • DataCite Commons: By working with metrics and relational metadata files, DataCite facilitates the visibility of research impact within its discovery system DataCite Commons. Providing analytics dashboards, it empowers researchers and organizations to gain insights and make informed decisions based on comprehensive and interconnected metadata.
  • DataCite GraphQL API: The DataCite GraphQL API supports complex queries of the PID Graph showing connections between entities using the GraphQL query language.


DataCite is a global community that shares a common interest: to ensure that research outputs and resources are openly available and connected so that their reuse can advance knowledge across and between disciplines, now and in the future.

As a community, we make research more effective with metadata that connects research outputs and resources–from samples and images to data and preprints. We enable the creation and management of persistent identifiers (PIDs), integrate services to improve research workflows, and facilitate the discovery and reuse of research outputs and resources.

Key Achievements

  1. DataCite has grown its community to include over 1300 organizations in 52 countries and supports a global community for metadata registration for over 55 million research outputs and resources.
  2. DataCite is recognized as the key expert in data citation and currently leading the development of the Data Citation Corpus
  3. Through a partnership with IGSN, DataCite is now responsible for the registration of over 10 million persistent identifiers for material samples

Technical Attributes

Open Code Repository


Maintenance Status

Actively maintained

Technical Documentation


Open Product Roadmap


Open API


Open Data Statement


Content Licensing


Hosting Options & Service Providers

Hosting Strategy

Not applicable

Service Providers

What other tools and projects does your project interact with?

  • Crossref APIs
  • Integrations with service providers
  • Community Engagement

    Code of Conduct


    Community Engagement


    Code License


    Organizational Commitment to Community Engagement

    DataCite has a dedicated Community Engagement team that consists of 10 full time FTEs. DataCite also convenes a Community Engagement Steering Group (

    Engagement with Values Frameworks

    User Contribution Pathways

    • Contribute funds
    • Contribute to documentation
    • Contribute to working groups or interest groups
    • Other

    Policies & Governance

    Governance Summary

    DataCite is governed by its members and Executive Board.


    Commitment to Equity & Inclusion


    Privacy Policy


    Web Accessibility Statement

    In Progress

    Open Data Statement


    Governance Activities


    Governance Structure & Processes


    Transparent Pricing and Cost Expectations


    Additional Information

    Organizational History

    We were founded as an international membership association in December of 2009 with a charitable status registered in Hannover, Germany and have not changed our organizational structure.

    Organizational Structure

    Business or Ownership Model

    Non-profit organization

    Full-time Staff



    Primary Funding Source


    Funding Needs

    In 2023, DataCite launched the Global Access Program to enable communities worldwide to make their research outputs discoverable. DataCite is seeking additional funding to continue the Global Access Program as well as its Global Access Fund that provides funding to organizations in regions and communities currently underrepresented in the global open science infrastructure landscape. The core services are sustained through the global membership.