Record Updated:
Apr 18, 2024
Mendeley Data is a free and secure cloud-based communal repository where you can store your data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite, wherever you are.
Mendeley Data is a free and secure cloud-based communal repository where researchers can store their data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite, wherever they are. The Mendeley Data communal data repository is powered by Digital Commons Data.
Using Mendeley Data makes the researchers’ data citable. Unique DOIs and easy-to-use citation tools make it easy to refer to their research data. They can securely share their data with colleagues and co-authors before publication. Their data is archived for as long as they need it by Data Archiving & Networked Services. Mendeley Data supports versioning, making longitudinal studies easier.
Elsevier's Mendeley Data repository is a participating member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) GREI project. The GREI includes seven established generalist repositories funded by the NIH to work together to establish consistent metadata, develop use cases for data sharing, train and educate researchers on FAIR data and the importance of data sharing, and more.
Key Achievements
Implemented the common metadata fields:
Grant ID
Publication Year
Content Type
Implemented the following Search and Browse features:
Filter by Publication Year using Slider Feature or Manual Date Entry.
Filter by content type by checking the desired check-box. Number in parentheses (#) indicates number of items identified for each type based upon the search criteria. This feature was incorporated into Mendeley prior to the GREI project.
Publication Date may also be sorted in order from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, or based on relevance.
Supporting Use Cases:
Mendeley Data has improved our metadata fields to include Funder and Grant IDs, making it easier for researchers to share, reproduce, reuse and track grant funded research.
Mendeley Data has improved our Search and Filter capabilities to include enhanced features for searching by Publication Date, as well as Sorting by Publication Year, making it easier to understand the relationship between datasets for reuse.
Mendeley Data is leveraging an Open API, along with a DataMonitor integration to ensure that institutions can easily track and report data sharing at an institutional level with greater results.
Mendeley Data will be implementing the Funder search facet which will enable funders to identify research content shared through Mendeley Data that they have directly sponsored.