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Record Updated: Apr 18, 2024
Digital asset management system

Islandora empowers many types of institutions to author, preserve, and disseminate collections using global best-practices and open standards. Our framework brings together the best of modern web technologies for content management and stewardship.


Islandora is an extensible, modular, open source digital repository ecosystem focused on collaborative authorship, management, display, and preservation of digital content at scale. Islandora adheres to widely adopted best practices and open standards and frameworks used in information practice. Islandora's modules are community-developed, and generalized. Functionality is developed by Institutional programmers and service providers and contributed back to the project. The community, nurtured by the Foundation, pulls together to complete tasks of universal interest and build consensus on issues of architecture and feature development. Where the community lacks capacity for development, the Foundation undertakes targeted service and contractor arrangements funded by community membership in the Foundation.

Key Achievements

Islandora has made substantial improvements to its governance and software management model in recent years. On the software side, Islandora has released the "Starter Site" infrastructure that demonstrates the latest features (as hosted on, as well as funded key upgrades to the docker infrastructure sustaining the project, including new features for configuring which images are important to you and managing upgrades. On the community side, Islandora has hosted annual conferences in 2022 and 2023, as well as a camp in 2023. Islandora has also founded a new Leadership group and started new membership models to recognize active community members and recognize contributors.

Technical Attributes

Open Code Repository


Maintenance Status

Actively maintained

Technical Documentation


Open Product Roadmap


Open API


Standards Employed


Hosting Options & Service Providers

Hosting Strategy

Hosting through third party only

Service Providers These service providers both work on Islandora and support the project and community.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement


Organizational Commitment to Community Engagement

Islandora seeks to foster open, warm communication and consensus-based decision-making. Islandora’s governance groups collaborate to maintain the code and community and set their direction, as well as manage events and meetings in the Islandora community. Membership in the governance groups emerges from a demonstrated commitment to Islandora through substantial volunteer work and/or Islandora Membership. Interest groups form on any topic of interest, and are given the first right of refusal on consultation and work related to their area of interest in the Islandora community.

Engagement with Values Frameworks

We take a lot of inspiration from the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure, though we have not formally audited ourselves in comparison to those criteria. This is something we'd love to do, just haven't had time yet (and feel like an external org should do the auditing, not us).

User Contribution Pathways

  • Contribute funds
  • Contribute to code
  • Contribute to documentation
  • Contribute to education or training
  • Contribute to working groups or interest groups

Additional Information

Organizational History

Islandora was born at the University of Prince Edward Island. In 2010, UPEI received an Atlantic Innovation Fund grant to take their excellent, home-grown software to the world.

Organizational Structure

Business or Ownership Model

Fiscal sponsorship (non-profit)

Full-time Staff



Primary Funding Source


Funding Needs

In an environment of institutional paucity, it is harder to find high-tier memberships that fund the Foundation's work to foster and curate community development. Funding supports the Foundation's mission to maintain key systems, host events, and fund software development.