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DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Infrastructure Services for Open Access
United Kingdom


Launched: 2003
Record Updated: Jun 17, 2024
Discovery system
Index or directory
Open scholarly dataset
DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world and is driven by a growing community. We are committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.


DOAJ's mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language.

DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and maintaining all of its primary services and metadata as free for everyone.

Key Achievements

  • More than twenty years at the heart of quality, peer-reviewed open access journal publishing, indexing thousands of peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journals.
  • A building block for commercial and non-commercial discovery systems, knowledge bases and search engines: we are a trusted source for millions of articles and thousands of open access journals. Our metadata is ingested and reused across the global discovery and search landscape.
  • DOAJ criteria have become the de facto global standard for open access journals, and we actively promote standards in journal publishing through services such as the OA Journals Toolkit, the Principles of Best Practice and Transparency in Scholarly Publishing, and our global ambassador program.

Technical Attributes

Open Code Repository


Maintenance Status

Actively maintained

Technical Documentation


Open Product Roadmap


Open Data Statement


Content Licensing

Journal metadata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Copyrights and related rights for article metadata are waived via CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0) Public Domain Dedication.

Standards Employed

  • Atom
  • OpenURL
  • JSON
  • REST
  • CSV (KBART planned)
  • Crossref XML
  • WCAG 2.0

Hosting Options & Service Providers

Hosting Strategy

Not applicable

What other tools and projects does your project interact with?

  • B!SON
  • Chronos Hub
  • Clarivate/Proquest suite of products
  • Crossref API
  • Dimensions
  • EBSCO discovery
  • Google Scholar
  • ISSN Portal
  • ISSN Keepers
  • Journal Finder Tool
  • Lens
  • OA.Works
  • OCLC
  • OpenAI
  • OpenAlex
  • PKP's OJS plugins
  • Plan S Journal Checker Tool
  • Sherpa/Romeo
  • Unpaywall

Community Engagement

Code of Conduct

In Progress

Community Engagement


Code License


Organizational Commitment to Community Engagement

We have a network of over 100 volunteers who review applications. We have regional representation through our Ambassador network. Some of our volunteers and ambassadors have been with us for more than 10 years.

We have a dedicated community engagement role to ensure that we are in touch with the large number of stakeholder groups that use and rely upon DOAJ. When we move to our new governance structure, we will establish a stakeholder council.

Our strategy states we will advocate for equity and diversity in global open access journal publishing. To do that, we engage with journal platforms and representative groups from around the world, e.g., the Chinese Academy of Science, KISTI in South Korea, J-STAGE in Japan, Publicera in Sweden, Scielo in Latin America, and more.

Engagement with Values Frameworks

  • DOAJ conducted a POSI self-audit in 2022: and is an active member of the POSI Working Group.
  • DOAJ participated in the pilot for the FOREST framework: and is considering a full framework review.
  • DOAJ is a signatory and active proponent of the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism.
  • User Contribution Pathways

    • Contribute to code
    • Contribute to education or training
    • Contribute to working groups or interest groups

    Policies & Governance

    Governance Summary

    DOAJ is an independent, non-profit organisation managed by Infrastructure Services for Open Access C.I.C. (IS4OA), a community interest company registered in the United Kingdom and with a branch in Denmark. DOAJ has an Advisory Board and Council, the members of which carry out their duties voluntarily.


    Commitment to Equity & Inclusion


    Privacy Policy


    Web Accessibility Statement


    Open Data Statement


    Governance Activities

    In Progress

    Governance Structure & Processes


    Transparent Pricing and Cost Expectations


    Additional Information

    Organizational History

    On 12th May 2003, DOAJ was launched by Lars Bjørnshauge. It was run as a service of Lund University Libraries.

    DOAJ grew over the years and in 2013, it moved to become an independent service managed by IS4OA CIC of which Lars is a director.

    In 2022, IS4OA created a Danish branch to ease an eventual transition of DOAJ out of post-Brexit UK. In 2023, DOAJ hopes to be fully registered as a Foundation in Denmark.

    Organizational Structure

    Business or Ownership Model

    Non-profit organization

    Full-time Staff



    Primary Funding Source


    Funding Needs

    Developing enhanced support for diamond journals, including:

    • preservation,
    • enhanced visibility
    • guidance and help for publishers and editors

    Global support for journal publishers and editors through:

    • an extended Ambassador program
    • the appointment of regional co-ordinators
    • new solutions for multilingual metadata and website

    Investment in our technical infrastructure to:

    • use machine learning to automate processes and enable our team to focus on high-value activities.
    • develop our capabilities to ingest articles from journals instead of relying on journal staff to send content to us.
    • strengthen DOAJ’s coverage of trusted journals significantly by supporting integrations and collaboration with global indexes, e.g. Redalyc, Scielo, Latindex, to enhance the visibility of trusted OA globally through library discovery systems and other tools.