Open Monograph Press (OMP)
Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Record Updated:
Oct 04, 2024
Publishing system
Open Monograph Press (OMP) is an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly monographs and edited volumes with full metadata for worldwide dissemination and discovery. PKP also offers paid OMP hosting and publishing services for institutions.
To conduct research on, develop open source software for, and provide services
in support of, scholarly publishing that extends access and opportunities for
research and scholarship on a global scale.
in support of, scholarly publishing that extends access and opportunities for
research and scholarship on a global scale.
Key Achievements
OMP is currently used by over 450 institutions and presses around the world, in over 50 countries, in multiple languages.
Technical Attributes
Maintenance Status
Actively Maintained
Open Data Statement
In Progress
Technical Attribute Statements
Technology Readiness Level
- Actual system proven in operational environment
Code Licenses Used
- GNU General Public License (GPL)
Content Licensing
Creative Commons licensing is used for all PKP generated content. Users of OJS are free to select their own content licensing.
Hosting Options
- Through solution or third party vendor
Service Providers
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Community Statements
User Contribution Pathways
- Contribute funds
- Contribute to code
- Contribute to documentation
- Contribute to education or training
- Contribute to working groups or interest groups
More About Community Engagement
Community Engagement Activities:
Policies & Governance
Governance Summary
Open Preprint Systems is an initiative of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), a member of the Core Facility Program at Simon Fraser University since 2022 which operates under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President, Research and International (VPRI) of Simon Fraser University. PKP is additionally guided by an Advisory Committee, SFU Community Advisory Committee, Technical Committee, Members Committee, and a Code of Conduct Committee.
Policy Statements
Board Structure
- Multi-board governance
Community Governance
- Formal
Additional Information
Organizational History
PKP was founded in 1998 by John Willinsky, then a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. SFU University Library became the operational home for PKP in 2005. In 2022, PKP became a Core Facility of Simon Fraser University. Complete timeline.
Organizational Structure
Business or Ownership Model
Fiscal sponsorship (academic institution)
Current Affiliations
- Coalition Publica
- Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL)
- SciELO
- Stanford University
- Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- University of Alberta
- University of British Columbia
- Université de Montréal
- University of Pittsburgh
Primary Funding Source
- Program service revenue
Funding Needs
With such a massive global community of users, PKP carries a tremendous responsibility to continue to enhance the functionality and user experience of OMP, and increase interoperability with other open infrastructures.