Key Achievements
As of Summer 2023, Mirador community members are focused on updating core dependencies and related tests, which includes upgrading to the latest versions of React and Material UI. Updating Mirador’s core has been the highest priority for the community since February and will continue to be for the months to come, as it will resolve a number of known issues and unblock plugin development.
You can follow day-to-day progress on this work through the activity in Mirador’s project repository on GitHub, or get informed at a broader level by visiting the project milestones doc. We’d be thrilled for you to join the effort! Please reach out to the community through the channels listed above if you wish to learn more about where and how to help.
Technical Attributes
Maintenance Status
Technical Attribute Statements
Technology Readiness Level
- Actual system proven in operational environment
Code Licenses Used
- Apache License, Version 2.0
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Contribution Guidelines or Fora
Community Statements
User Contribution Pathways
- Contribute to code
- Contribute to documentation
- Contribute to education or training
- Contribute to working groups or interest groups
More About Community Engagement
Community Engagement Activities:
Policies & Governance
Governance Summary
The provider is considering additional governance development.
Transparent Pricing and Cost Expectations
Policy Statements
Board Structure
- None
Community Governance
- Ad hoc
Additional Information
Organizational History
Organizational Structure
Business or Ownership Model
Current Affiliations
- Many educational and cultural heritage institutions across the globe use Mirador. Our community is all volunteer. We regularly have people join in our calls from around the world and from institutions like museums and nonprofits, as well as tech agencies, but universities tend to be the most highly represented on our calls.