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Launched: 2017
Record Updated: May 16, 2024
Publishing system
Janeway is an open source publishing platform developed by the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) at Birkbeck, University of London, to support the goals of the OLH, and other open access academic publishers.


Janeway aims to offer a flexible solution for library publishers, scholarly societies, and independent journals.

Key Achievements

The Janeway team have been working with Educopia, CDL and UNC on the Next Generation Library Publishing project. Specifically we have worked on features enabling users to run Janeway in headless mode (without a public website) and linking Janeway to Meru (unified display layer).

The team also continues to work with CDL on eScholarship, onto which journals have started migrating. We've also worked together to develop the Janeway repository system which is now in active use, primarily hosting Preprint servers (,,

Although compared to other open source platforms we're considered niche and very much humanities based we've welcomed quite a few new partners in the last year including various organisations who are running Janeway themselves (CMU, CDL, Sissa Media Lab, TU Vien) and for whom we providing hosing (including: UMass Amherst, University of Gent, University of Iowa, Aperio Press)

Technical Attributes

Open Code Repository


Maintenance Status

Actively maintained

Technical Documentation


Open Product Roadmap


Open API


Content Licensing

Content licenseing is decided by the service user. All OLH developed/delivered/derived content is openly licensed.

Standards Employed

Janeway primarily adheres to PEP8 which is Python's style guide.

Hosting Options & Service Providers

Hosting Strategy

Hosting through service provider only

What other tools and projects does your project interact with?

  • Crossref
  • Datacite
  • Portico
  • DOAJ
  • Library of Congress
  • Google Scholar
  • Any tool that allows JATS deposit via S/FTP
  • Community Engagement

    Code of Conduct


    Community Engagement

    In Progress

    Code License


    Engagement with Values Frameworks

    We are planning to complete a POSI evaluation.

    User Contribution Pathways

    • Contribute to code
    • Contribute to documentation

    Policies & Governance

    Governance Summary

    Janeway is a not for profit making organization, developed at the Centre for Technology and Publishing, Birkbeck, University of London, and the Open Library of Humanities, UK. For more on Birkbeck's governance, click here. Additional governance development is in progress.


    Commitment to Equity & Inclusion


    Privacy Policy


    Web Accessibility Statement


    Governance Activities

    In Progress

    Governance Structure & Processes

    In Progress

    Transparent Pricing and Cost Expectations


    Additional Information

    Organizational History

    Janeway was founded by Martin Eve and Andy Byers at the Open Library of Humanities (OLH), a charity registered in the United Kingdom. As all staff were employed by Birkbeck, University of London and the charitable goals of both organisations were similiar it was decided that in 2021 OLH should merge with Birkbeck.

    Organizational Structure

    Business or Ownership Model

    Fiscal sponsorship (academic institution)

    Full-time Staff



    Primary Funding Source

    Program service revenue

    Funding Needs

    Janeway is part funded by the Open Library of Humanities, Birkbeck, University of London and through commercial hosting agreements. Any additional funding will be used to continue the development of Janeway including:

    • Work on accessibility
    • Internationalisation
    • Expansion of Janeway to provide an easy to use Institutional Repository system